I did it again!
after no stop drive through Europe
i made it to Sweden.
to be honest it was a "pleasure" to cross Germany with the sunny weather
it's not so common
Denmark was storm rain and wind
like at midnight I had to stop for a very
bad noise coming from under the car.
imagine middle of nowhere , in a rainstorm (lucky , could have been snow) me, rolling under the car to check what was the problem, in a truck drivers parking lot,in the total darkness.
I foung a piece of fabric rolled to the front driveshaft beating a rubber hose,
so it was kinda lucky thing,easy to fix.
then drive to the next ferry
and cross the border to Sweden at 2,00 o'clock in the night.
of course stopped by the customs
( ultra loaded car with everything inside) they didn't even dare to check...
drive to Flakeberg
made it at 8 in the morning after coupla stops to rest , fill gas and eat the traditional drivers food at the gas station: Korv med Brod ( hot dog) with shrimp salad , of course.
Now try to understand where I landed, it takes always coupla days
and then
100% Blaster again.
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